Considering Data Science?

At NMBU you have the option to study a 2 year master program in Data Science or a 5 year master of technology (Sivilingeniør) program in Datavitenskap.

Data science combines computer science, mathematics, statistics and data analysis with applications in other fields. If you study Data Science you will learn to gather and organize data, do multivariate analysis on high dimenstional data, pattern recognition, machine learning and to rate quality of data. You will also get knowledge in computer security, law and etichs. The specialization you choose will give you experience in using software and interdisciplinary competence in project work.

You will also learn to program in Matlab and Python. Python is one of the mest attractive programming languages on the market, and gives you thousand of options to do whatever you want to do.

Why should i study data science?

According to Harvard Business Review, being a data scientist is “The sexiest job of the 21st century”. Data science is a rapidly growing field both internationally and in Norway. The job opportunites are great already in everything from manufacting, robotics, telecommunication, energy, banking, insurance, medicin and consulting.

As a data scientist you will become better as a problem solver. With relevant problems in programming, math and physics, you will be well equiped for the work life.

If you choose to study data science you will have chosen a field of study what will be attractive for many years to come.

Why Data Science at NMBU?

At NMBU there are many great professors with a passion for data science. It is also easy to get in contact with the professors and they are more than willing to help students. At NMBU there is a great connection between the students and the professors, especially in data science. Monthly there is a lunch for everyone afiliated with data science where reasearchers present their research. If you would like to learn more about data science at NMBU, you can visit the faculty blog.

NMBU also has Eik Idéverksted with offers courses, workshops and projects for students. They have many relevant projects especially within data science in industry relevant projects. You can read more about Eik below.

Links you should check out

  • Datavitenskap NMBU, Program structure and information
  • Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
  • Eik Idéverksted
  • Top Programming Languages – Python